Updates and Future Plans

Week 4 & 5 Update - 8/23/24

Making this project completely open source to help out other developers and to increase development flow. I came into issues into me wanting to monetize this site but it ruined my authenticity of just wanting to build components for fun and to see other developers use them. I truly enjoy the design process and hope to see other developers have a great time developing for things other than just money. Hoping for the best, Developer Nizh.

  • Removed Demos link in navbar. Demos can be seen in the component and templates section.
  • Removed authentication functionality.
  • Removed upgrade SaaS functionality.

Week 3 Update - 8/9/24

Week 3 is focused on component work. This project is aiming for 3-10 components a month to keep up with the desired quality of this project.

  • Some Components will be baseplate as to help you make it more personalized with your aesthetic choices.
  • Decided to put the full aesthetic website overhaul on hold because frankly it looks too niche.
  • 3D components will be rolled out on a later date. Aiming for the beginning of October to delve fully into it.
  • Not all Components will be fully typescript. Some jsx will be implemented with standard css for designer optimization.
  • Added Theme Toggle back in because I decided to revert the full overhaul. Will not do any aesthetic overhaul for the rest of project due to me wanting to put out the best components I can.

Week 2 Update - 8/2/24

Week 2 is about making aesthetic choices. Deviating a bit from the original plan due to me really not liking the aesthetic appeal that I was originally going for. I had this idea to go somewhat corporate but after a considerable time meditating on this, I have decided to go with an retro-futuristic brutalism aesthetic inspired by Cyberpunk 2077 and its design formula. I find it to be intriguing and un-ironically the future.

  • Deleted Theme Toggle - Reason: Focusing on one aesthetic theme alone grants me greater access to more diversified artistic choices.
  • Working With Blender To Create 3d Backdrops/Components for Future Use and Showcase.
  • NPM and Active Subscription will be ready Friday 8/2/24.
  • Doing deeper research into the philosophy of future tech. Hauntology as a philosophy seems to play a key role in this. See Fallout games as a reference towards this disposition.

Week 1 Update - 7/26/24

Hello Welcome to PolyBlock. Week 1 is just the beginning process of adding up to date components and templates for prototyping and commercial use. I actually really hope and plan for developers to use this library as a way to be able to apply these tools whenever they/you want to be optimally secure in development. For now, week 1 is still structuring and adding in new components. I am estimating by update/week 3 to have more time to invest in templates as updates 1 and 2 will be heavily focused on structuring with aesthetic intentions.

  • Added Snippet Component
  • Began Curation of Resources
  • Looking into creating NPM package for components